Student Email Accounts

An Ameritas College email account is provided to all students who enroll at Ameritas College. This account is used for communication between students and faculty/staff. Students are required to use this tool in an efficient, effective, ethical and lawful manner. Any emails sent that involve illegal activity, harassing or threatening language, or forms of spam including chain letters, or contain computer viruses will be considered a violation of this policy and result in immediate suspension of the student’s account. By logging into the email account for the first time, the student agrees to this requirement. Ameritas College owns all email accounts and all data transmitted or stored using email capabilities. While incidental personal use of email is acceptable, it is not recommended.


While Ameritas College attempts to keep email messages secure, privacy is not guaranteed and users should have no general expectation of privacy in email messages sent through the Ameritas College email system. Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary for the IT staff or other appropriate college officials to access email files to maintain the system, to investigate security or abuse incidents or violations of this or other policies. Such access will be on an “as needed” basis and any email accessed will be disclosed only to those individuals with a need-to-know or as required by law.