Students, visitors, and employees of Ameritas College are expected to abide by the rules outlined in all sections of this catalog. Unacceptable conduct includes but is not limited to the following behaviors on college property or events:
- Disruptive, abusive, or aggressive behavior or any conduct in violation of the law.
- Use, possession, or distribution of weapons, firearms, or chemical or explosive devices.
- Use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol.
- Deliberate destruction, theft, or misuse of property of the college, employees, or students.
- Violations of Academic Honesty, Computer Access, or Copyright policies.
- Written, verbal, sexual, or physical intimidation or harassment.
Penalties for student violation of the college’s expectations of conduct range from a warning or probation to dismissal of the student from Ameritas College.
Students have the right to appeal any sanction through the college’s appeal/grievance process.