All colleges are required to have a Satisfactory Academic Progress policy to ensure students receiving financial aid are making progress toward completing their educational goals.
At the end of each quarter, your cumulative grade point average and completion rate (hours completed/hours attempted) are reviewed to determine your academic progress using the guidelines listed below.
Associate Degree Programs 90 Hours in Length
Number of Hours Attempted |
% of Hours Completed |
Minimum GPA |
1 – 32 Hours |
50% |
1.25 |
41 – 64 Hours |
60% |
1.50 |
65 – 89 Hours |
60% |
1.75 |
90 Hours or more |
60% |
2.00 |
If you complete a minimum of 67% of your classes each quarter you will complete within the 150% maximum time allowed.
If you are not meeting the guidelines, you will be notified by email and letter of the following status change actions:
First Quarter below guidelines: Placed on academic probation (warning)
In a probationary status we will review your schedule and work with you to help you determine and overcome the barriers to your success. This may include suggesting tutoring, reviewing class and program choices, or referral for remedial assistance to outside agencies. Financial aid is not affected during probation.
Second Quarter below guidelines: Placed on academic suspension
In a suspension status, you must file a written appeal for reinstatement of classes and financial aid. This appeal documents any mitigating circumstances (illness, illness/death in the family, accident, computer/broadband issues, etc.) causing your academic problems and why they will no longer affect your academic success. Any supporting documentation (letters affirming circumstances, medical excuses, bills, etc.) should be included with the appeal. Once the appeal has been approved, you will be placed in an Appeal status for one quarter, and financial aid will be restored.
If during the appeal, it is determined you will not be able to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines in one quarter, a specific Academic Plan will be created for you. You must meet the plan's requirements until you are back in compliance.
Once you have satisfied the requirements of your appeal and any required Academic Plan, you will be placed back to regular Active student status.
After reinstatement to active status, you must repeat the Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines process if you fall below the guidelines again.
If your appeal is denied or you do not meet the academic requirements outlined in your appeal, you will be dismissed from Ameritas College and must wait one quarter to re-enter classes. At that time, you may be eligible to re-enter as a non-regular student to get back into compliance. Tuition for classes attempted will be due, and you will not be eligible for financial aid until you are back within satisfactory academic progress guidelines.
Satisfactory progress completion guidelines are based on the maximum program length of 150% of the typical program length. All courses attempted and transferred are included in this calculation. Classes repeated affect both the qualitative and quantitative elements of this calculation. If it is determined that you will not be able to complete your program within the maximum program length, you will not be eligible for financial aid without completing the appeal process.
If you request a change of major, all applicable coursework will be transferred to the new program and affect both components of the Satisfactory Academic Progress calculation.
Incompletes, transfers, and withdrawals have no effect on your cumulative grade point average, but they do impact your completion percentage. If an Incomplete remains unchanged after one year, the I grade becomes an F, which does impact your cumulative grade point average, as well as the completion rate. Remedial classes completed with outside agencies do not affect the Satisfactory Academic Progress calculation.