Our Values

Be Curious

Learning begins with curiosity and a lack of satisfaction with what one knows or can do. We commit to engaging in lifelong learning and encouraging others to live with a learning mindset.

Love Quality

We see beauty in quality products and systems and we ceaselessly explore new ways to add beauty to the world through iteration toward an ideal.

Celebrate Completion

We celebrate bringing commitments to conclusion. As challenging as the first 90% of a task or project is, crossing the finish line is the hardest part. Perfection is approached, rather than achieved. We never let the best be the enemy of the better.

Be Elegantly Simple

We communicate complex truths simply. Our model is the child who said, "the emperor has no clothes!”

Numbers Matter, Stories Matter

To fulfill our mission requires growth. But we never forget that every number has a name, and every name has a story. We enable large numbers of people to change the arcs of their stories.

Venture Outside Our Comfort Zone

We grow by challenging ourselves and each other to explore new territory.