Lifetime Placement Assistance and Lifetime Course Refreshment

EMPLOYMENT is YOUR GOAL in attending Ameritas College. PLACEMENT is OUR GOAL in your attending Ameritas College. The primary emphasis in all classes is employability. The practical, relevant curricula are designed to meet the contemporary business demands of today and tomorrow. After graduation, you may receive assistance from our Student Success Office, including résumé assistance and interview techniques. The services of our Student Success Office are available at no charge to graduates for their lifetime. A Career Seminar is held every quarter for all students and graduates. Suggestions and tips on interviewing skills, positive self-concept ideas, and professional appearance criteria are offered. Employers from the community are invited to share their views on what is expected in today’s challenging job market. This seminar is provided at no charge.

In addition to the college’s lifetime placement service, Ameritas College offers a lifetime review of your skills. As a graduate, you may repeat classes at no cost to regain your proficiency or improve your skills.