Grievance Procedures

Any time a student has an issue or concern with their experience at the college or interaction with an instructor, the student is encouraged to work directly with the instructor to resolve the issue. If a resolution cannot be reached, the student should contact either the Student Success Director or the Executive Director. These individuals will work with the student and other parties to resolve the situation satisfactorily.

 Any student with a complaint or grievance about college activity not resolved through standard operating procedures may request a hearing. The Chief Academic Officer, the Executive Director, the Student Success Director and an appropriate faculty member will set a date to hear the appeal. The Governing Board of the college also exists as a final appeals board for any faculty or student problem not resolved within the existing college appeal process. Appropriate state and national approval agencies and accreditation council and commission addresses and phone numbers are available in the office of the Executive Director.

If a formal complaint is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, online students residing in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) states (currently all states but California) may appeal a decision on a complaint to the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WVHEPC), which operates as our SARA Portal Entity. To file an appeal, follow the WVHEPC complaint process at WVHEPC Student Complaint Process. WVHEPC’s decision on the appeal will be final.