Grade Appeals

Ameritas College Grade Appeal Policy

1. Introduction

  • This policy is designed to provide students at Ameritas College (Ameritas College) with a fair and transparent process for appealing their course grades when they believe an error or injustice has occurred.

2. Eligibility

  • All registered students of Ameritas College who have received a final course grade may initiate a grade appeal.

3. Grounds for Appeal

  • Grade appeals may be initiated based on the following grounds:
    • Clerical errors in grade calculation or recording.
    • Allegations of unfair grading practices inconsistent with the course syllabus or college policies.
    • The instructor has demonstrated discrimination, bias, or unethical conduct that has affected the grade.

4. Grade Appeal Procedure

  • Students must follow these steps to initiate a grade appeal:
    1. No later than 14 days after final grades have been published, the student must submit a written appeal to the instructor who assigned the grade. The appeal should include a clear statement of the grounds for the appeal and any supporting evidence.
    2. The instructor must respond to the appeal within one week either by reconsidering the grade or providing a written explanation for their decision.
    3. If the student is not satisfied with the instructor's response or is outside the allotted time, the student may proceed to the next step.
    4. The student may then submit a formal written appeal to the Office of the Chief Academic Officer within 7 days of receiving the instructor’s response. This appeal should include all previous correspondence and any additional information or evidence.
    5. The Chief Academic Officer or their designee will appoint an impartial review committee to evaluate the appeal.
    6. The review committee will conduct a thorough examination of the appeal and may request input from the instructor and student.
    7. The review committee will give the student and instructor a written decision within 7 days of receiving of receiving the appeal.
    8. The decision of the review committee is final.

5. Confidentiality

  • All parties involved in the grade appeal process must maintain confidentiality to the extent possible.

6. Non-Retaliation

  • Students who initiate grade appeals are protected from retaliation for exercising their right to appeal.

7. Record Keeping

  • Ameritas College will maintain records of grade appeals and their resolutions for future reference and compliance.

8. Conclusion

  • This grade appeal policy is intended to ensure a fair and transparent process for students at Ameritas College to address concerns regarding their course grades.