General Education


GE 102: Personal Growth and Finance

The course is designed to assist students to identify and examine personal attributes and behaviors they currently have, to develop introspection, growth-inducing reflection, and preparation for life beyond the classroom. The course will cover aspects of psychology, personal growth, economics, and personal finance.   

GE 106: Ethics

This course will study principles in ethics by surveying the philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Many of the questions relevant today were addressed by these three individuals who initiated a revolution in thought altering the course of Western Civilization and laying the groundwork for future discoveries in science, politics, psychology, and philosophy.  Students will: explore their methods for teaching critical thinking skills; value open dialogue with others; and appreciate the impact ethical decisions will have on their personal and professional lives.

GE 200: General Psychology

This course is designed to introduce theories and techniques of appraising human behavior. Areas include stimulation and response, emotional adjustment, motivation, learning, personality, and abnormal behaviors.

GE 201: Introduction to Sociology

Sociology 201 is an introduction to the discipline of sociology.  The focus of this course is to help students acquire a sociological perspective that will provide a way of viewing the world from a sociological lens.  The sociological perspective will introduce the student to the influences of our culture, groups, organizations, and global aspects of society that influence our interaction with others. Students will learn the basic concepts in sociology including an introduction to theory, social institutions, stratification, and other topics.  You will learn the three major perspectives and other important theories. You will learn how to apply those perspectives to the “real” world. During this course, you will learn the basic vocabulary of sociology, develop a better understanding of your world, and gain insight into your relationship with society.

GE 203: Dynamics of Relationships

This course increases the students’ understanding of intimate and personal relationships. The course also incorporates techniques for resolving conflicts in relationships.

GE 204: Sociology/Current Social Problems

This course explores causes, effects, and possible solutions for problems in American society today. This course is also designed to help students understand the difference between personal and social problems.

GE 205: Social Psychology

This course explores the theories and explanations of social behavior, as well as social influence and personal control. The course offers a better understanding of self as a social being.

GE 207: Appalachian Culture I

This course studies the culture of Appalachia and its people. The course deals with the heritage, language, and folklore of Appalachia.

GE 209: Ecology Environmental Issues

This course studies our environment and the changes which are occurring. It explores the problems that are being created and how individuals can make a difference in improving our environment.

GE 211: Drug Awareness

This course outlines the history of drug use, drug legislation, and the fundamentals of pharmacology. After providing a factual background, situations are offered to generate thought and increase awareness of licit and illicit drugs.

GE 212: College Mathematics

This course introduces students to logic, postulational thinking, and mathematical models, algebra, probability, and statistics.

GE 214: American History I

This course studies American History from colonization through the Civil War. Emphasis is placed on establishing our government and later maintaining our unity as a country.

GE 215 : American History II

Students will learn about political, cultural, economic, foreign policy, and other changes that have shaped the United States between the early twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

GE 217: Current Events

This course examines current events occurring in local areas, the United States, and worldwide. It demonstrates the importance of awareness of newsworthy events.

GE 267: American Government

This course first explores the events leading up to the Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Convention, followed by a detailed examination of the American system of government as originally designed. It then looks at American government in practice, asking students to explore what has changed, and what is the same, as well as to evaluate the system as designed, as well as as lived.

GE 268: Deaf Culture

This course introduces students to the intricacies of deaf culture. This course includes study of the Americans with Disabilities Act, support mechanisms for individuals that are deaf or hard-of-hearing, the types of services required for deaf individuals. In addition, students will be introduced to ASL and phonology while recognizing communication challenges facing individuals that are deaf or hard-of-hearing.