Emergency Response and Evacuation Policy

If an emergency occurs on campus, Ameritas College will work with the local authorities to determine the best steps to deal with the problem effectively. If an emergency happens on campus that would require the evacuation of the building, students will be notified through an announcement over the PA system. All rooms have an emergency evacuation procedures map posted in the room. Students should follow the described evacuation route to quickly and efficiently evacuate the building. Upon evacuation, students should move across the 9th Street Plaza to the front of the Cabell County Public Library. From there, school administrators will provide students with additional instructions. Once the building is evacuated, Administration will use the college text system, announcements posted on the college's front door, social media tools such as Facebook, and phone messages for staff to notify individuals not currently on campus of the situation. As time permits, the local television and radio stations are also notified. The college will practice emergency evacuation drills annually. Students and staff will be notified of the drills before the event. The results of the exercises will be presented to the Faculty Advisory Committee to review and make recommendations on changes.