Allied Health Policies


HJC does not require vaccinations before enrollment; however, medical assisting and dental assisting students may need certain vaccines before their externship/practicum experience.


The Medical Assisting and Medical Coding programs require registration for recognized professional certification testing during their capstone courses. During the quarter in which a student is scheduled in either Clinical Procedures II or Medical Coding III, they register for national membership and certification. All required classes and practicum must be completed to sit for the Medical Assisting test.

During the capstone quarter, the student is charged a non-refundable fee to cover the certification test and membership cost. The cost of attendance for the quarter will be adjusted to include the fee. Financial aid eligibility will be calculated to determine if additional funds are available to pay the fee on the student's account. This cost and financial aid adjustment can be made only once per federal regulation. As with other tuition and fee charges, if financial aid funds are not available to cover the testing fee, HJC will allow the student to make payments.

Occupational Risks

The following information is provided by the Medical Assisting Education Review Board and should be reviewed by all students.

Medical Assisting is a profession with many rewards, as practitioners can perform both administrative and clinical services, filling several roles in a variety of healthcare environments. The Bureau of Labor Statistics clearly outlines that it is a growth field, with an anticipated 18% growth from 2020 to 2030.

Medical Assistants work directly with providers and patients, with the goal of providing healthcare and ensuring patient safety.  It is a position with a great deal of responsibility.

As with any healthcare position, there are certain occupational risks that come into play with being a medical assistant, and those hazards include the following:

  • Exposure to infectious diseases
  • Sharps injuries
  • Bloodborne pathogens and biological hazards
  • Chemical and drug exposure
  • Ergonomic hazards from lifting, sitting, and repetitive tasks
  • Latex allergies
  • Stress

At the same time, there are protections set up with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and those protections are particularly important within a healthcare environment.  OSHA has a series of standards that protect the safety of healthcare workers and patients.

Accredited medical assisting programs are required to teach students about the hazards that they face on the job and the protocols that can be put into place to ensure a workplace culture that prioritizes safety.

Drug and Alcohol Policy—Medical Assisting & Dental Assisting Programs

HJC adopted a drug and alcohol testing policy for students enrolled in any Allied Health program. Rationale: HJC’s mission is to ensure student learning, validate student outcomes, and promote academic excellence that will allow graduates to obtain entry-level careers upon completing their education at HJC. Within the allied health fields, this includes practicing behaviors that enable employees to provide adequate medical care without judgment impacted by drug or alcohol use. Practicum/Externship Policy: Enrollment in an Allied Health program does not guarantee placement in the practicum/externship experience. In addition to meeting grade requirements, students must pass a drug screening before being placed or participating in the required practicum/externship. Before enrollment in an Allied Health program, students must agree to participate in the drug screening program. A negative drug screen is required before the start of the practicum/externship.

Please access the Allied Health Programs Drug Testing Policy for complete information.