Administrative Technology


AT 248: Internet Research

This course refines the knowledge of how to conduct searches of the World Wide Web and dealing with tools such as directories and search engines. Students will be able to navigate the web and critically assess the quality of material found there.

AT 257: Publication Design

This course introduces students to the use of microcomputers for designing and producing various publications. Hands-on experience is provided in using desktop publishing software and a laser or color inkjet printer to produce high resolution publications, such as flyers, brochures, business forms, and newsletters. Students are also introduced to basic design techniques, type and graphics layout, and the related terminology.

AT 273: Office Procedures

This course familiarizes students with basic procedures used in the automated office with emphasis on efficiency and professionalism. The value of interpersonal, as well as technical skills, is emphasized.

AT 275: Managing Social Media

This course introduces students to the theories behind using social media to market a small business. Different types of social media and technology will be introduced.