Academic Honesty Policy

Huntington Junior College works to ensure that its classes are of the highest academic standards. Consequently, the college has a firm policy against academic dishonesty, including cheating or plagiarism. Whenever students doubt what to do, they must check with the instructor before doing it. Explanations about cheating and plagiarism can be found on the college’s website via the Academic Honesty Policy

Students guilty of academic dishonesty will be administratively dropped from the course with a grade of ‘F’ and subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension and dismissal.

Copyright Infringement

In today’s high-tech environment, students must understand the implications of electronic copyright infringement, especially peer-to-peer file sharing. Peer-to-peer programs are generally used to find and download various media files.

Copyright infringement occurs when material/property is used without authorization from the owner. Downloading, uploading, or sharing copyrighted material without permission is illegal. The most common offenses include downloading movies from an unauthorized source and sharing music peer-to-peer (P2P). These actions are considered a form of theft of the copyrighted work of a director, producer, or artist.

According to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Huntington Junior College MUST take action against such activities when we receive a notice of violation for electronic copyright infringement.

Huntington Junior College reserves the right to remove or block access to any copyrighted materials and/or temporarily restrict access to the campus network pending the outcome of an investigation of an alleged copyright infringement violation. Huntington Junior College will inform the account holder of any action taken to maintain compliance with federal and state copyright infringement laws.

Violations of copyright infringement laws may result in a formal criminal charge of a breach of law, court case proceedings, and fines up to $150,000 per work/property misappropriated. If a student is found to violate the copyright laws utilizing any computer at Huntington Junior College, the student will be dismissed.

Furthermore, Huntington Junior College computers and internet service are for educational purposes only. Therefore, students should not be using the system for any personal business. If the college finds a student is utilizing the system for reasons other than educational, the college reserves the right to suspend all student access to the computer labs except under instructional supervision.

Copyright Policy

As an institution of higher education, Huntington Junior College strongly believes in intellectual property. As such, Huntington Junior College respects intellectual property and has made it a priority to ensure all employees and students respect the copyrights of others. All Huntington Junior College employees and students must comply with copyright law. Copyright infringement through inappropriate copying or distribution of copyrighted content is a personal and a company liability and will result in disciplinary action, including dismissal from the school. Huntington Junior College’s copyright policy does not allow for the application of “fair use.” Please ensure you have permission from the author before using ANY copyrighted material.

Copyright Clearance Center obtained the following information regarding copyrights. For more information, please visit or the College's Copyright Policy page.